
Tidbits from the Headwaters

Kenny Lake Bird Count
WISE, Birds Michelle McAfee WISE, Birds Michelle McAfee

Kenny Lake Bird Count

The Christmas Bird Count, now in its 123rd year, was started as an alternative to the tradition of the Christmas side hunt, the winner being the hunter who shot the largest pile of birds. In light of declining bird populations largely due to uncontrolled harvesting of bird feathers to decorate women’s hats, counting birds instead of hunting them appealed to conservationists.

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Kenny Lake Christmas Bird Count December 17th
Nature Michelle McAfee Nature Michelle McAfee

Kenny Lake Christmas Bird Count December 17th

The Wrangell Institute for Science and the Environment (WISE) would like to invite you to participate in the 123rd annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count on December 17. This event is a part of a collective bird census that is conducted each year by Audubon. Audubon has conducted this annual bird census since 1901! That is a lot of valuable information about our birds and their movements.

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Inviting Birds Home
Nature Michelle McAfee Nature Michelle McAfee

Inviting Birds Home

Birds are already starting courtship and territorial displays on Prince William Sound, and migratory species are steadily arriving. Some are still on their way. This is a good time to think about getting some nest boxes together.

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