
Tidbits from the Headwaters

Kenny Lake Bird Count
WISE, Birds Michelle McAfee WISE, Birds Michelle McAfee

Kenny Lake Bird Count

The Christmas Bird Count, now in its 123rd year, was started as an alternative to the tradition of the Christmas side hunt, the winner being the hunter who shot the largest pile of birds. In light of declining bird populations largely due to uncontrolled harvesting of bird feathers to decorate women’s hats, counting birds instead of hunting them appealed to conservationists.

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Winter Fun Day- Oh! What a Fun Day it Was!
WISE Michelle McAfee WISE Michelle McAfee

Winter Fun Day- Oh! What a Fun Day it Was!

On December 29th, the Wrangell Institute for Science and the Environment (WISE) partnered with Wrangell St. Elias National Park Service (NPS), Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Glennallen Field Office, Copper River Native Association (CRNA), Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) Glennallen Office, and Prince William Sound College (PWSC) for Winter Fun Day.

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