
Tidbits from the Headwaters

WRST Subsistence Resource Commission Opposes Cordova Dipnet Fishery
Subsistence, Fishing, Cordova Michelle McAfee Subsistence, Fishing, Cordova Michelle McAfee

WRST Subsistence Resource Commission Opposes Cordova Dipnet Fishery

The Wrangell St Elias National Park Subsistence Resource Commission (SRC) held its spring meeting by phone on March 1. The commission’s main activity revolved around Fisheries Proposal 21-10 (FP 21-10).

FP 21-10 would allow federally qualified Cordova rural residents to fish for salmon from the west bank of the Copper River near mile 27 of the Copper River Highway to the east bank of the river near mile 38 using a rod and reel, spear, gaff, or dipnet.

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