Valdez City Council January 3 Meeting

Kaycee Davis with additional reporting by Allison Sayer

The Valdez City Council convened on Jan. 3 at 7 pm. All council members were present. For the consent agenda, there was a unanimous acceptance of Parks and Recreation Commissioner Mike Britt’s resignation. Sarah Jorgenson-Owen was unanimously appointed to the commission. Council Member Alan Sorum moved to approve the consent agenda “with the motion that we should thank Mike Britt for everything he’s done.”

New business included the “Approval of Right of Entry Agreement with Valdez Food Cache, LLC for the Purposes of Investigation and Remediation of the Neighboring Property Fuel Oil Spill”. The motion passed unanimously. This was in reference to contamination which was discovered during the removal of a heating oil tank at the old Land Shark strip mall.

There were two resolutions to be voted on. Resolution #23-01 was “Amending the 2023 City Budget by Accepting A Tier 2 Grant from the Rasmuson Foundation in the Amount of $250,000, and Authorizing the Expenditure of Same, for the Valdez Senior Living Apartment Project,” which was passed unanimously.

Resolution #23-02 was “Establishing Fees for Emergency Medical Services and Repealing Resolution #06- 103 Formerly Setting Fees.” Valdez city clerk Sheri Pierce explained to The Copper River Record that emergency response fees have always been “in place, however #23-02 brings us into alignment with what other communities in Alaska charge and what is considered the acceptable rate by most insurance companies and Medicare.”

During the discussion, council member Sorum asked whether the city would pursue collections or other measures for residents who can not pay for ambulance fees. Valdez Fire Chief Tracy Raynor, who was in attendance to answer questions, stated that there are options including payment plans. The city also has discretion to waive fees in excess of what is covered by insurance.

Council member Wegner asked who would be responsible for any fees associated with ambulance transport from a school sporting event. Fire Chief Raynor replied the child’s family’s health care plan would be responsible.

The resolution passed unanimously.

There was a procurement report of the purchase of a halfpipe mini ramp for $59,897.32.

In the city manager’s report, city manager Mark Detter highlighted the hospital master plan work session on January 17. There was also discussion of getting numerous local entities and city government together with the Stellar (consulting) Group to discuss their report, with a date to be determined.

Next was a discussion about the special election for Proposition 1 which would increase the city property tax exemption from $50,000 to $75,000. Absentee voting will begin on January 23. More information is available on the City of Valdez website elections page, at the front counter at City Hall, or by calling the city clerk at 834-3408.

Later in the meeting, council member Foster inquired as to the purpose of the special election. City clerk Sheri Pierce clarified that it is occurring because residents will not receive the tax break this year if it is not in place by March.

There are some openings on boards and commissions, including the library board, the economic diversification commission, and the museum board. Applicants can learn more on the City of Valdez webpage or by contacting the city clerk.

The Valdez City Attorney Jake Staser stated he is working on ongoing litigation with the Alaska Trappers Association. The litigation pertains to City of Valdez regulation of trapping activities within city boundaries.

In her mayor’s report, Mayor Sharon Scheidt reviewed some administrative details and thanked Mayor Pro Tempore Alan Sorum for presiding over a recent meeting in her stead.

The last part of the meeting was devoted to council member business.

Council member Devens encouraged city residents to get involved in community and city planning. Council member Foster reminded the public the city is seeing influenza and requested that residents practice good hygiene: washing hands, covering coughs (preferably with elbows), and throwing tissues away (immediately!). Council member Wegner made an announcement regarding Nordic ski racing.

Council member Love delivered positive feedback for the first city newsletter and for the work that was done to make the energy assistance program applications available online. Council member Fleming gave appreciation to the city for fireworks. Council member Sorum encouraged the council to fund restoration of the mural on the side of the Royal Building.

Video of past Valdez City Council meetings and a schedule of upcoming meetings is available on the City of Valdez website.

Disclosure: The City of Valdez is a Copper River Record advertiser.

Michelle McAfee

Michelle McAfee is a Photographer / Writer / Graphic Designer based in Southern Oregon with deep roots in Alaska. FB/IG: @michellemcafeephoto.

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