Images from the CB300 Archives

This year’s Copper Basin 300 starts in Glennallen on January 9, 2021. We are fortunate to be able to share these photos from the CB300 archives.

Photo by Whitney McLaren

Photo by Whitney McLaren

Photo by Whitney McLaren

Photo by Whitney McLaren

Photo by Brandan Griffis

Photo by Brandan Griffis

Photo by Whitney McLaren

Photo by Whitney McLaren

Photo by Whitney McLaren

Photo by Whitney McLaren

Photo by Brandan Griffis

Photo by Brandan Griffis

Photo by Whitney McLaren

Photo by Whitney McLaren

For complete information about this year’s Copper Basin 300, please visit The outdoor area surrounding the race start and finish in Glennallen will be open to the public. Indoor areas will not be open to the public.

A previous version of this page erroneously stated the public would not be permitted to gather anywhere at the race. We apologize for the error.


COFFEE! - A Silent Film by Jon Erdman and Karinna Bakker


Living Off the Land: Pen and Ink by Bob Neeley