The Buzz

Any age is the right age for learning about beekeeping. Photo by Brad Kimberlin.

Any age is the right age for learning about beekeeping. Photo by Brad Kimberlin.

Hello Copper River Valley

Well, it's winter and time to start thinking about preparing for spring.

Planning your garden, raising chickens, maybe getting a goat, or trying your hand at beekeeping?

Now is the time to get to work building boxes, painting equipment, and thinking about what kind of bees to order for this summer. The two most common types are the Italian and Carniolan. There are Russians, some purer strains of Russians, Buckfast, Caucasians, and many, many others.

Row of hives in the summer sun.

Row of hives in the summer sun.

There are several very knowledgeable beekeepers in the Mat-Su Valley, and up in Fairbanks, who sell bees in the spring. A typical package of bees weighs 4 pounds and comes with the queen of your choice. Each type of bee has its own distinct traits; what is good for one beekeeper is not necessarily what another beekeeper likes or wants. Just ask them!

I like the pure bred Russian. Having said that they are a bit temperamental to down right mean on a bad day. The big plus: they winter exceptionally well, surviving when others would die. It's really a matter of choice.

If you have ever considered keeping bees keep your eyes on the Copper River Record for more articles and possibly a class here in the Valley.

Well, that's the Buzz for now. Bee Good!

Bee hives in the winter snow.

Bee hives in the winter snow.

Article and photos by Brad Kimberlin


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