Tidbits from the Headwaters

Copper Basin Honors Memorial Day
On Memorial Day, services were held throughout the Copper Basin to honor the lives of military members.
The History of the Copper Center Agricultural Experiment Station, 1903-1908
The history behind the Copper Center agricultural experiment station goes back to 1898 when the federal government decided agricultural experiment stations should be established across Alaska and funds to start them were provided through the federal Hatch Act of 1887.
Golden Eagles Fly Over Nabesna
WISE annually provides science lectures for the public in the late winter in the Copper Basin. On April 8, WISE and the Wrangell Mountains Wilderness Lodge at 28-mile Nabesna Road hosted an in-person group of about 30 people interested in learning more about raptor migration.

Mathletes Represent Copper Basin in Fairbanks
MathCounts is a national program that exists to get Middle School students excited about math. The Upstream Learning MathCounts team had the privilege of competing in the Alaska State competition at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. They earned this opportunity by placing first in the Alaska Rural Chapter MathCounts competition in February.

2023 Mac-Attack Blue Division Champions!
The Copper River 8U mites team outlasted 20 teams from all over the state to bring home an 8U State championship in the blue division at the annual Mac Attack Tournament in Eagle River.

Copper River Youth Hockey: Dedication to the Game
Since mid-November, a dedicated group of Copper Valley kids has been hard at work improving individual and team hockey skills on the two rinks located at the Glennallen School campus.

Project Santa: A Community Helping Each Other Out
Most people, at some point in life, fall on hard times. In the Copper Basin, if hard times come during the holiday season, Project Santa is there to lend a hand and make sure kids in the community receive presents for Christmas.

Changing Ice in the Copper Basin
Two recent studies have explored changing ice conditions in the Copper Basin. Many locals have already observed changes in winter river conditions over time, including later freeze-ups and earlier breakups.

Copper Basin Structure Fires: More than Usual?
If you paused and wondered about all the structure fires in our area this past year, you are not alone. We were curious to know if this was normal or if there were more than usual in the Copper River Basin in 2022.

Work Underway on Little Tonsina Bridge
On September 23, the Copper River Watershed Project (CRWP) and the Alaska Department of Transportation invited funding partners and the public to tour the site of the anticipated bridge on the Little Tonsina River. The bridge will replace culverts located just barely upstream from the confluence with the main branch of the Tonsina River. This multimillion dollar project is the result of years of work, partnership building, and fundraising efforts to improve fish access to 71 miles of habitat upstream from the site.

Notes from the Copper Basin Land and Resource Managers’ Meeting
On the afternoon of May 18, the Copper Valley Development Association (CVDA) hosted a Copper Basin land and resource managers’ meeting. Representatives from various entities in the area attended virtually to deliver updates about their work. The meeting was chaired by Jen Rosenthal, the new CVDA executive director.

Nuclear Plans for the Copper Basin
Copper Valley Electric Association (CVEA) is working with Seattle-based Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation (USNC) to explore the possibility of bringing a “micro modular reactor” to the Copper Basin.