Copper River Record

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ROAR Spring Recycling Update

Nigel Young- ROAR

As spring advances (hopefully) and the rather large amount of snow recedes, (hopefully), it seems a good time to look ahead at what is happening with recycling in the Copper Basin. People bringing aluminum cans and paper to the ROAR transfer site will notice it becoming rather crowded over the next month.

This is because our transport trailer is both full and frozen in. I doubt we will be able to move it before May. We will do our best to utilize alternative storage space during this time, but if people who are able to delay bringing in their recyclables could do so until the trailer can be emptied, we would really appreciate it. Our intention is to bring in gravel this summer, to raise the grade level where the trailer is parked, and prevent future problems.

ROAR will hold a Plastic Recycling Event on Saturday April 22nd, outside the American Legion in Glennallen from 10.00.a.m. to 2.p.m. We will be accepting clean and sorted #1 (clear) and #2 (opaque) plastic bottles with screw tops, minus the lids. Recycling plastic can be confusing. A good explanation of what plastics can and can’t be recycled can be found at the website for Valley Center for Recycling Solutions. (VCRS.) at

This summer we will once again be partnering with Zenda Backhaul to hold an electronic recycling event for both businesses and the public. This is currently scheduled for July 20th to 22nd.

We will be giving out more details of these events as the dates get closer. A big thank you to all the people who support ROAR, and recycling in the Copper Basin.