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Mountain Motivation - Sean Wisner

Michelle LeBlanc - Valdez Adventure Alliance

Read through these questions. They seem pretty basic, right? Yet they can be ever changing and sometimes even difficult to answer. I wonder how often we are actually open with people - or ourselves - to the point that it is well practiced. And I don’t mean rehearsed or false, I mean like any new thing that is challenging: with practice it becomes more familiar, easier. Easier to share. Easier to be vulnerable. Easier to shed a tear - in private or not. Emoting is human and we are all subject to it. Some would say it’s necessary for growth.

Speaking with Sean I began to liken him to Rip Esselstyn, author of Engine 2 Diet. I mean, he’s a fire chief for one thing and for another he is a plant-based athlete. Also, Rip is a Texan. I feel there has been this hidden war between Texans and Alaskans due to the big state thing. Well, Alaska wins of course hands down. But as a metaphor that means the grain that a plant based athlete goes against, it is a very masculine energy based grain. Yet, somehow, both Rip and Sean thrive - they’re animals as a matter of fact! Rawr!

But ... I don’t want to get too carried away with the vegetarian v. omnivore paradigm. Also, I want to acknowledge that ever since I learned what the saran wrapped red stuff on styrofoam was at the ripe old age of seven or so, I’ve been an advocate for hunting and fishing as well as for my carrots, broccoli, and other green, leafy vegetables.

When I walked away from this wonderful conversation with Sean, my takeaways were: 1. Find a way to keep that aware and adventurous kid within alive and kicking (aka, don’t let the turkeys get your down). 2. It’s a strength to be vulnerable. Would it be too much to posit that emotional intelligence may even be the missing link between ‘smart’ and ‘wise’? And 3. There is only one of you so be sure to take good care of yourself - it is something only your body can tell your brain and only you can do.

1. What is your name and what do you do?

My name is Sean Wisner and I am the Fire Chief for Alyeska Pipeline Service Company and I’m a DIY dad of two amazing kids and I am a plant based endurance athlete.

2. What keeps you motivated every day?

Relentless forward progress. Trying to get better at whatever it is that I’m doing - whether it be leadership or parenting or endurance sports. I just try to be a little bit better than I was yesterday.

3. What is your morning routine?

I like to spend a few minutes before I get out of bed meditating and just kind of gathering my strength and energy for the day. I’m a huge fan of coffee. I have a healthy breakfast and I’m on my way. I usually do one of my two workouts in the morning before work, preferably swimming is in the morning before work. And then I ride my bike or run after work. But that’s my morning routine.

4. What is your favorite sport?

You know that’s a good question. Currently, triathlon is my favorite sport. I really enjoy just how difficult it is. Combining three different disciplines with the two disciplines of rest and nutrition - which are even harder to accomplish. But I’m also a lifelong skier and snowboarder and do lots of others - and I also like cross-country skiing too - so it’s hard to say what my favorite is. But, I guess, triathlon is currently.

5. What is your recovery process?

Sleep is the key to recovery. I am a huge believer in, well, A. getting plenty of protein and nutrition right after a workout; but your muscles don’t really heal and grow until you get enough sleep. So sleep is the most important thing. It can be challenging and people overlook it, but sleep is the most important aspect of any athletic endeavor.

6. What are your recovery foods?

Well, I’m a plant-based athlete, so, for me, it might be different than everybody else. But, for me, I’m a big fan of tofu and beans and legumes and nuts and seeds. You know, for the level of athleticism that I have every day I try to eat between 120 and 150 grams of protein every day so it’s a challenge to do that on a plant-based diet. But I make it work with beans and tofu and nuts and things like that.

7. Are you a book person or movie person?

I like books.

8. What are you reading/watching right now - or - your favorite?

Well, I’m reading a couple of books right now which is sort of the way I operate. I am reading a book called “Clarity and Connection” by Yung Pueblo and a book called “Team of Rivals”. I’m also a huge fan of podcasts and constantly have a bunch on rotation.

9. Do prefer human power modes of transport or engine power?

I prefer human-powered modes of transportation. I’m a cyclist and runner and walker and cross-country skier. But I also really enjoy going snowmachining with my son. My son is a total motor head; he’s really into snow machining and motocross and dirt bike riding. You know, it’s something we share together and have a lot of fun doing it. But if you ask me and I had to choose, I definitely prefer human powered transportation.

10. How do you splurge?

Aw, man, I have an addiction to bicycles and running shoes. It’s a little bit ridiculous, but I like bicycles and if you ask my kids they make fun of me every single time they come to my house. They laugh about there’s always a new pair of shoes or some new expensive carbon fiber bicycle showing up.

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