Late in the Evening at 50 Below

Judy Murphy and Joe Morse operating Tender while Jenny Moser climbs a ladder to the roof. Photo by Kelly Smith.

By Heith Fithian

Late in the evening at 50 below

the woodstoves were crackling, keeping out the silent still cold

The one in the house where the family went to bed

was hot in the belly, glowing red

A pipeline stove from the Sapa homestead 

was turned down for the night 

as the family rested their heads

Now Aaron left the house, needing some wood

he stopped at the stack and grabbed what he could

As he turned and looked at the cabin where he lived, something was wrong

There was smoke coming out, under the roof

The cabin had started on fire, while he was gone!

Isaac Hutchison covered with ice crystals on the frigid night. Photo by Kelly Smith.

He yelled to the house

the girls sprang right to, and jumped down the stairs, only touching a few

In their hearts they dreaded what might be, and the father in bed could hear

and knew, a fire in the cabin it must be

Pots and extinguishers everyone grabbed

and ran to the cabin in the bitter night air, even Heith in his bright orange underwear!

Jenny Moser (L) and Wesley Gordon (R) attack the fire on ladders. Photo by Kelly Smith.

Every second counts, he thought to himself,

not stopping for pants, attack the fire or else!

Now as we started fighting the fire, the girls called 911

The Kenny Lake Volunteer Fire Department was on the run!
At 50 below, all did show with heart and might to do what they could 

We thank you for your service and all that you did

You saved the structure

although the roof is damaged, it still stood!

Thanks to all the Kenny Lake Volunteer Fire Department

-From the Fithians

Responders to the call at the Fithians’ residence: 

KLVFD responders to this fire:

Fire Chief Wesley Gordon

Assistant Chief Jeff Ramsthel

Safety and Training Officer Jenny Moser

Senior Engineer Joe Morse

Property Officer and Board Liaison, Kelly Smith

Firefighter Judy Murphy

Firefighter Isaac Hutchison

Firefighter Jesse Barnes

Copper River Emergency Medical Services (CREMS) first responders:

Kenny Steck EMT2

Ethan Goodwin EMT1    


Finish Line Fun at the Copper Basin 300


Heart of the Wild Part III: A Ride to The Keep