Copper River Record

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CRSD Holds First Board Meeting of the School Year

Photo by Deleece Cook

Mica Hutchison - CRR Staff

The Copper Valley School District (CRSD) School Board met August 9th for their regularly scheduled meeting. After adopting the agenda and approving minutes from the previous meeting, the board heard the administrators’ reports.

With the recent departure of Thérèse Ashton as superintendent, Assistant Superintendent Theresa Laville is filling the vacant role until a replacement is found. She laid out her priorities for the school year with the CRSD Strategic Plan.

“Teaching practices including honoring and respecting our students, and so being able to work with students and providing that equity education. That’s my focus for this year,” said Laville, “…to be sure our education is equitable. Not just effective or good quality, but it must be equitable.”

She will spend time in classrooms monitoring the quality of instruction, and CRSD will “ensure relevance of all academic programs through ongoing curriculum development and program review.”

Using available data to assess attendance, student achievement, failure rates, and equitable practices will guide changes to instruction and policy. Laville emphasized the need for evidence-based teaching strategies and professional development for teachers.

To increase time spent on professional development, Laville proposed the school day end at 2:00 p.m. on Fridays for students. Board member Hannah Bengtson expressed concern over parents having to alter their schedule, and several board members were concerned with the impact on bus drivers.

GES Principal Frances Jackson spoke in support of Laville’s proposal and assured the board there is a need for CRSD educators to receive more professional development time. MatSu School District recently approved a similar proposal. Ultimately, the board voted to approve the early closure.

After students go home at 2:00 p.m. on Fridays, teachers and paraprofessionals will engage in structured professional development. The aim is to make their teaching more effective so students receive higher-quality instruction. Goals have been set for student achievement, and testing data will be reviewed by administrators and the board.

Approval was given for the Association of Alaska School Boards’ 2022 policy updates, discussion on which occurred during a previous meeting.

The board heard a proposal from Bruce Rogers on the creation of a Nordic ski team. He and Stephanie Carlton, who would serve as coaches for the team, said they saw it as a natural progression from the ski club started in UpStream Learning.

They have received interest from students and parents on the creation of a Nordic ski team, and they have the support of the Valdez team who would provide used ski equipment, guidance, and joint practice time.

While all members of the board support the creation of the team, the proposal was rejected due to lack of information on costs to the district. Members encouraged Mr. Rogers to bring the proposal before the board again next month with included costs.

Hire of Shanna Sellers as a Kenny Lake Elementary teacher was approved, and the board accepted revisions to the 2022-2023 calendar to incorporate early Friday release.

The board approved BP 6173, Education of Students Relating to Impact Aid, and AR 6174.1, Education of Native/Indian Children as presented. These policies and procedures are voted on at the beginning of every school year.

During discussion on changes to the ’22-’23 Student Handbook, board members Becky Schwanke and Eileen Ewan relayed comments they’ve received from parents on past handling of discipline. The handbook includes a disciplinary consequences chart, and parents have expressed frustration with administrators not adhering consistently to the approved plan. The Student Handbook was approved as presented.

Approval was given for changes to the FY23 Classified Wage Schedule and FY23 District Office Wage Schedule, as well as to increases in substitute teacher pay rates. In giving their approval, Board Members expressed their awareness of the need to raise pay to rates comparable for the region.

Having received board approval, CRSD Financial Director Sandy Friendshuh will be traveling to the Association of School Business Officials International Conference this year as part of the Emerging Leaders Program.

The next meeting of the CRSD School Board will be held September 6th. Parents are encouraged to attend in person or online.

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