Copper River Record

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Victor and Patricia Bruss

In Loving Memory of Victor David Bruss and Patricia Lee Bruss. Vic passed away at 11:45 p.m. on Wednesday, October 20, 2021, followed the next day by his wife Trisha at 7:00 p.m. Thursday, October 21. 

Vic lived a long adventurous life of 92 years. He was born and raised on a farm in central Wisconsin and grew up to become a professional outdoorsman, photographer, writer, and naturalist with a passion for birds and all the beauty of God’s creations. In 1967, he fulfilled his dream of moving to Alaska, living off the land and exploring the wilderness. He had many captivating stories that will continue to be retold by those that love and remember him.

Trisha was born in Arizona and moved to Alaska as a child with her family. She also had an adventurous life growing up in the Alaskan wilderness. She worked with her dad on a horse ranch/hunting lodge and later became a professional painter and sold her Alaskan scenic gold pan art at gift shops around Alaska and Canada. She had a passion for growing flowers and enjoyed spending time with her family and church friends. She was a woman of many talents and hobbies including painting, puzzles, fruit carving, gardening, and all things craft-like. 

They will be missed greatly by many wonderful friends and family members including their three daughters: Cynthia Poff, Hiedi Bruss, and Bronica Grigsby. Vic is also survived by four more children: David Bruss, Scott Bruss, Julie Helkenn, and John Bruss. Trisha was also survived by her mother, Dorris McDaniel, and her son, Bill Etchells. They are also both survived by many siblings, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. Peace be with you both until we meet again!