Text of the Portion of the 2019 Dingell Act Relevant to the Proposed Change to the BLM East Alaska Resource Management Plan


    (a) Definitions.--In this section:
            (1) CAC.--The term ``CAC'' means the Chugach Alaska 
            (2) CAC land.--The term ``CAC land'' means land conveyed to 
        CAC pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 
        U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) under which--
                    (A) both the surface estate and the subsurface 
                estate were conveyed to CAC; or
                    (B)(i) the subsurface estate was conveyed to CAC; 
                    (ii) the surface estate or a conservation easement 
                in the surface estate was acquired by the State or by 
                the United States as part of the program.
            (3) Program.--The term ``program'' means the Habitat 
        Protection and Acquisition Program of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill 
        Trustee Council.
            (4) Region.--The term ``Region'' means the Chugach Region, 
            (5) Study.--The term ``study'' means the study conducted 
        under subsection (b)(1).

    (b) Chugach Region Land Exchange Study.--
            (1) In general.--Not later than 1 year after the date of 
        enactment of this Act, the Secretary, in coordination with the 
        Secretary of Agriculture and in consultation with CAC, shall 
        conduct a study of land ownership and use patterns in the 
            (2) Study requirements.--The study shall--
                    (A) assess the social and economic impacts of the 
                program, including impacts caused by split estate 
                ownership patterns created by Federal acquisitions under 
                the program, on--
                          (i) the Region; and
                          (ii) CAC and CAC land;
                    (B) identify sufficient acres of accessible and 
                economically viable Federal land that can be offered in 
                exchange for CAC land identified by CAC as available for 
                exchange; and

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                    (C) provide recommendations for land exchange 
                options with CAC that would--
                          (i) consolidate ownership of the surface and 
                      mineral estate of Federal land under the program; 
                          (ii) convey to CAC Federal land identified 
                      under subparagraph (B).

    (c) Report.--Not later than 18 months after the date of enactment of 
this Act, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Energy and 
Natural Resources of the Senate and the Committee on Natural Resources 
of the House of Representatives a report describing the results of the 
study, including--
            (1) a recommendation on options for 1 or more land 
        exchanges; and
            (2) detailed information on--
                    (A) the acres of Federal land identified for 
                exchange; and
                    (B) any other recommendations provided by the 